02:34 PM May 23, 2024 EST Edited: 07:53 AM May 30, 2024 EST

You're not 'pro-life' (definitely not pro-QUALITY-of-life, that's for damn sure), you're all actually anti-choice and anti-woman. Stop dictating what choice women have with fetuses growing in their bodies. A fetus is NOT a person, it's a clump of soulless cells. Attached within a host's body. Souls come into a body AFTER they're born, not during the process BEFORE it. A fetus is no more than a mere parasite at that stage in life, regardless of whether or not is has the CAPACITY to grow into a person right after it leaves the womb. And if you 'pro-lifers' actually gave a shit about these clumps of SOULLESS cells, you would actually care for the children these fetuses end up being once OUTSIDE of their bodies. You would not keep allowing policies be put into place that further shafts them, and their (single) mothers, in the future. If you actually gave a damn about 'saving baby lives', you would give a shit about their QUALITY of life too. Not just the fact that they're born. You just want to control what women do with their lives, THAT is what is ACTUALLY going on. Stop fucking lying and saying you care for 'all human life', because if you actually did...you types wouldn't keep constantly starting and supporting proxy wars against other countries all the damn time now.

Also, let me remind all you 'pro-lifer' clowns that not only is your so-called 'morality' of the situation flawed and unscientific and misogynistic as fuck, it's also pretty damn selfish and inconsiderate and short-sighted regarding the bigger picture scheme of things. Let me get this straight...so you're wanting even POOR SINGLE WOMEN WHO HAVE GOTTEN RAPED to keep an "'incomplete' 'baby'" (your words, not mine), to be brought up in such shitty circumstances on such a fucked up planet overrun by a bunch of violent troglodyte predator men, which already has overpopulation and food/resource/scarcity problems AND environmental/pollution issues on top of everything else that's shitty for a baby to deal with?! What the fuck is the matter with you all?!?! Btw, all you so-called 'conservative feminists' are also full of shit too. EVERY fetus starts out as the default sex, which is FEMALE. You won't be able to tell what sex it is destined to become, by nature, until MANY weeks later. So no, 'protecting' fetuses that appear to be 'female' from the start is NOT a feminist thing to do despite what your warped morals have made you believe due to your so-called 'faith'.

One last thing, you're flat out hypocrites too. You 'conservative' types that do ABORTIONS, for yourselves AND your family members, behind the scenes too. Especially those of you assholes in government. All because you hypocrites don't want to live with the shame of having yourselves or your female relatives raise a child that is not wanted and/or was born out of wedlock or even incest/rape. Leave women's bodies alone. If you have a problem with us, we'll give you actual problems as a result. Because we will NOT go down without a fight. Women's Rights and autonomy are here to stay, and no amount of archaic, patriarchal, theocratic, 'traditional', handmaiden's tale BULLSHIT is gonna stop us from taking control of our OWN destinies. And most importantly, go fuck yourselves!

PS: No, I am NOT pregnant and am NOT expecting to ever have kids, and will make sure of that so I can at least get MANY life obstacles and problems off of my back including YOU sanctimonious pricks. And I especially do NOT plan to date ANYONE ever again either, which further decreases my chances of having many life obstacles as well. I do NOT need to be pregnant and wanting an abortion for this issue to be relevant to me. I'm a woman just like every other woman, so this DOES concern me as a feminist also. Why I even need to explain this to anyone who thinks they're 'intelligent' is beyond me.



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