Medical Mercenaries: Dr. Jack Madhatterjackalope and Schrodinger's Rapist

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TT Exulansic

Subscribers: 147

A lot going on in this episode:
Aunt Jackalope re-educates female rape victims who refuse to ...
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endanger themselves to protect men from being raped in the future by other men.

"So if you're really going to think of it as killing...Deadname was holding Jack back. That was all self defense. Jack was always there. THat was self-defense. Probably more accurate analogy was that Deadname was a costume Jack was wearing and finally, Jack got rid of the costume." This is a very stable medical clinician taking a health-optimizing tonic.

If males are a threat to males in male-only spaces, how will allowing all males into the female-only space protect males from other males? Won't the males just follow the males into the female-only space? Thus endangering the females with no benefit to males?
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