02:36 AM Mar 17, 2024 EST Edited: 04:49 AM Mar 18, 2024 EST

Or 'woke' stuff, as people are calling it these days. I'm against it all primarily for ONE main reason (and no, I am NOT of the belief that women's rights are inherently 'woke', nor that this belief of mine is contradictory, and I will kinda explain why below regarding why 'woke' is more closely tied to centering MEN'S feelings):

Political correctness and 'woke' is being used against us women to silence us into submission by all the male systems all across the globe, by trying to prevent us from calling out ANY male's bullshit and even mock or joke about them in any way. Because, contrary to popular belief, it is MEN who are the 'sensitive snowflake' types and they project that obvious reality about themselves onto women because in THEIR minds 'woke = feminism' too (which is NOT actually the case, because REAL feminism and not the male-friendly/male-pandering libfem fake bullshit type is basically WOMEN'S RIGHTS, and women are HALF the population; if something is for HALF the population then it cannot, by definition actually 'woke' but rather just common human rights and decency). THEY, the men obviously, are the ones that get OFFENDED every time they see something they call 'misandrist'. Even though the so called 'misandry' is justified, because it's just common sense and based on statistics (like how it is MALES, especially of certain demographics might I add, doing almost all of the most heinous and violent crimes). But we woman are apparently NOT allowed to call out men on this bullshit? Why?! Because it hurts MEN'S feelings, and I guess a good chunk of their pickme and handmaiden cheerleader women out there that constantly center MEN, that's why. It offends MEN, so by default it offends the PATRIARCHY. And the PATRIARCHY can't have that, so it is the PATRIARCHY actually pushing political correctness and not anything else. It isn't women 'ruining society with their woke feminism', it's MEN every time their egos get in the way (which is basically ALWAYS) and they throw their mantrums anytime they can't get what they want out of us women. Regardless of whether it's of an ego-stroking nature (with the fucking troons always expecting us to just let them into OUR spaces) or a physical/intimate nature (like sex). So much for men being the 'logical sex' though, right? What a fucking joke. Radical Feminism, that isn't strictly focused on intersectional pandering and the demonization of 'majority' groups of society in and of itself also, has been destroying men's bullshit with facts and logic for decades now. Same with all the female (dating) advice and female-self-centering channels that have only risen in the last few years opening the eyes of women en masse and helping them make better decisions in life, like staying single and staying away from MEN in general, finally centering OURSELVES first and foremost. And all of this female-centered content and advice only getting more rational every year now, with how much men are rapidly wilding/chimping out these days against women.

Another point that ties into political correctness which I want to speak about is this: We women should also never be afraid to say things like it is, as politically incorrect as it may be, even though it is we who usually get the brunt for saying that kind of stuff unlike the men who would say the same exact thing. Men are nowhere near as heavily criticized for being 'offensive' about things as women are. And women are also judged heavily for it by other women as well. Fellow women need to cut out this hypocrisy and start going after men only, if we are to make a global sisterhood against the patriarchy work. No more pickme and handmaiden double standards against other women, enough is enough. During an age of lies and deception being forced on people, truth will always be seen as hate by the system. And that system is Patriarchy, and it's global. Remember that



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