09:12 PM Jul 12, 2024 EST

That site needs to be brought back to its much better days when it was still a place where women can have a space, other than this website, to shit on males anytime they want. The only downside to that place is that males, like they ALWAYS DO, invaded that FEMALE ONLY space online (like men do in REAL LIFE too) and turned it into a mantrum-induced dumpster fire (and they were ALLOWED to do it too, which was a huge mistake). All because we hurt these men's feewings (aw, the poor self-centered manbabies...whatever shall we do to keep placating them and serving them with unpaid labor and empathy like we've done for millennia?! NOT, no more!) by exposing their EVIL done against us females of all ages and even other species too (men violate female animals too, you just don't hear about it as much; but look up the case of the monitor lizard that was violated by a group of men not to long ago and you will see for a fact that it DOES happen).

I'm personally on a 'warpath' to expose how fucking vile males are, and nowadays ANY site like this COULD help bring more awareness to more women about male nature IF done RIGHT. Which means it still cannot be done through all these 'female advice' youtube channels and forums that just censor and block fellow women who don't politically align with them on everything 100% either, in particular about DEI subjects that only further serve to divide us as was intended from the get go (because MEN invented it to benefit themselves first and foremost, and to keep us women from ever uniting under ONE main cause). We women need all the sites we can get that can speak up for us and bring like to the evils that men have been responsible for on both the macro AND micro level. The 4B movement is just a start, but it's not quite there yet. We need to have other ways and places to be more open about male scum too, without societal persecution or males victimizing and hunting us over it.



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