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By SunsetMilla at 12:32 PM Jul 18, 2024 EST | 0 | 33 |
By SunsetMilla at 01:02 PM Jul 17, 2024 EST | 10 | 66 |
By Misandrist_Kitten at 05:28 PM Jul 14, 2024 EST | 3 | 82 |
By Anti-PC-OG-Feminist at 09:12 PM Jul 12, 2024 EST | 4 | 85 |
By Anti-PC-OG-Feminist at 06:56 AM Jul 12, 2024 EST | 2 | 61 |
By Anti-PC-OG-Feminist at 12:12 PM Jul 11, 2024 EST | 0 | 43 |
By Fandar at 01:33 PM Jul 10, 2024 EST | 0 | 18 |
By Fandar at 07:24 AM Jul 09, 2024 EST | 5 | 73 |
By Misandrist_Kitten at 12:56 PM Jun 27, 2024 EST | 3 | 83 |
And it's not just youtube itself constantly censoring me left and right (politically speaking too) at times either. It's all the damn race baiters and (closet) libfems within the 'female solidarity' sphere of things that have turned me off from wanting to be on youtube as well. And it's just as much, I would say so myself. Because think of it this way: You invest ALL that time and energy onto these channels, only for them to end up censoring you for any political disagreement you might have with them or others in the comments. Or they just end up starting to post anti-White content as well, usually directed at White WOMEN in particular, most likely mainly to spite their White viewers. Perhaps jealousy is also at play here, but I'm not gonna speculate much on that further without more actual proof. But it's obvious that HATRED is at play here as well, if they're constantly only allowing 'black voices' or 'WOC voices' to speak their minds on their stuff. Because White women be damned, right? We aren't actually OPPRESSED, NO, we have 'White privilege' on our side and we 'suck up' to our men's system of White supremacy!!11! So fuck what WE have to say, right? Our own personal shitty experiences with men don't matter in the slightest over racial political drivel to these WOC content creators, it seems. It's always about them trying to uplift THEIR race of women while not giving a shit about other groups of women, especially White women. And you White libfems aren't better either, you types are complete fucking doormats to WOC because you know nothing else EXCEPT to pander to anything and everything that isn't YOU. All because of your White guilt. You're all self-hating pathetic fools and just as moronic and ass backwards also. You don't put women IN GENERAL first either, you put RACE first. You have serious internal issues you need to sort out before you, and your WOC leaders in the movement, have the audacity to lecture any (White) woman that thinks different from you about politics. You women who are constantly prone to censoring rather than tackling different views that 'offend' you are the worst. Men, who are complete merciless monsters a lot of times, never have these fucking issues against each other because they are actually UNITED in their brotherhood of misogyny against ALL of us. The proof is in the pudding, all you gotta do to see just how much they're united in their collective hatred of us and to be a feminist long enough on youtube with all that manosphere drivel getting recommended to you on a daily basis even though you DON'T want it. Though you women don't seem to be taking pointers from THAT unity of theirs at all. Instead of y'all trying to make a sisterhood that will attack ONLY men, you still sit there constantly attacking groups of women you despise due to your own feelings against them and not much else. All of you should go fuck yourselves, you fake ass bitches always putting up a facade of unity but on the other hand attack and censor other women who don't think exactly like you. Not only are you hypocrites of the highest order regarding RACE, you're even worse than pickmes/handmaidens as well. And I'm done giving you my attention/views/clicks. I'm gonna go my own way, away from the toxicity that is your pernicious form of woke ass identity politics that is destroying the so called 'movement' of 'female solidarity' underneath the surface.