09:52 AM Jul 20, 2022 EST Edited: 10:00 AM Jul 20, 2022 EST

If you don't know who Eisel Mazard is, he is an obnoxious bald YouTuber who is full of himself.

He gets his feelings hurt when people call him fat or say other offensive things about him, yet he thinks it's perfectly fine to judge women harshly on their looks; talk about whether a woman is 'good-looking' or not and he has even called a lot of women 'ugly'. He also calls a lot of people 'stupid' with no context.

This is not some random vulgar man on the street. This is a self-proclaimed intellectual; one that gets offended easily, yet says a lot of offensive things himself.

Lets talk about how he treats his girlfriend, Melissa. They met some time near the beginning of 2017, which was several months after I knew about what an obnoxious man he was. From the start of the relationship with his girlfriend, I thought it was a bad one, since he kept talking over her in videos while she stayed silent most of the time, and just went with the flow.

I did indeed find out that Eisel has been controlling Melissa, in this entire relationship, on what to do with her life, what books to read, what opinions she should have, what she posts on social media etc. He claims he treats women as equals, yet he doesn't want a woman who thinks for herself.

At times, Eisel and his girlfriend got into arguments and he puts her down even more. He makes her feel insecure about her intelligence and physical attractiveness. There was a video of Melissa breaking down crying saying she is worried that Eisel might dump her for a more beautiful woman, and instead of trying to redeem himself, Eisel responds, "Yeah. I can also go for someone SMARTER than you." Can you believe that?

Can you believe that a not-so-good-looking man is not only ungrateful that he can land a girlfriend more physically attractive than he is, he also has the audacity to make her feel bad about the way SHE looks and acts as though his girlfriend should be grateful to be with HIM? What a disgusting monster he is, inside and out.

Eisel, if you are going to judge women harshly on their appearance, at least put some more effort into YOUR appearance. Just because you are able to get with women while looking and acting the way you do, doesn't mean you DESERVE them.

As for intelligence, just because someone doesn't live the way you live or agree with your opinions Eisel, doesn't mean they are stupid or less intelligent. By the way, it's questionable whether or not you can even solve quadratic equations, so there are different avenues of being an intellectual. If you are such an 'intellectual', why can't you support yourself, let alone support your own daughter? You better cherish and appreciate Melissa while you still can, because I don't see you getting anymore women in the future. You don't have a job, and you rely on your mother for financial support. Your YouTube and Patreon fanbase isn't big enough for you to make a living by yourself.

Another way Eisel abuses Melissa is that he tries to gaslight her into believing that one of her college friends was trying to hurt her for showing concern for her wellbeing in this toxic relationship. So by Eisel's logic, Melissa's friend was hurting Melissa, just because she was criticizing HIM. What a complete narcissist!

Melissa, you should seriously break up with Eisel. Don't let him control, degrade and separate your social relationships with others, any longer. Don't engage in anymore of this codependency. Contrary to what Eisel tries to make you believe, you DO NOT need him in your life!



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