12:04 PM Jul 16, 2022 EST

There is a female YouTuber with a huge following named Eugenia Cooney, and she is very skinny, to the point where you can see some outline of her skeleton. This has concerned a lot of her viewers over the years, because an underweight female is often associated with eating disorders and anorexia, caused by 'beauty standards' promoted by the fashion industry.

Eugenia's viewers are both concerned with her own wellbeing, and the message she is sending with her appearance.

Due to the fashion industry, a lot of the times, we do perceive the idea of being significantly underweight alone, as being pro-anorexia. I'm sure there are some of her viewers who think that we are judging her unfairly.

Although Eugenia has never directly claimed that her emaciated look is superior, she often shows off her body in revealing clothing, which implies that she likes the way she looks and sees no problem with her build. This isn't to say that she is not hiding any health problems from the public.

I'm not sure how Eugenia got to the way she is. I don't know whether or not she is starving herself on purpose, whether or not she has an extremely fast metabolism that well exceeds her appetite(unlikely case), or whether or not she has a medical condition which led to her being that way.

Unfortunately, the people who are concerned about her and criticizing her content are a large portion of her audience who are responsible for her channel growing to over 2 million subscribers. Therefore, all this negativity towards her has arguably grown her potential to spread a negative influence among women and girls.

This is a lose-lose situation. It's bad for her if she is not called out for her problem, but it's also bad when she attracts others who make excuses for her problem or even 'emulate'/fetishize her problem, rather than treating her as a poster child for anorexia, like most of us do.

I hope Eugenia gets help, if she needs it. I hope she eventually casts away her emaciation, either intentionally or unintentionally. She definitely looks like she needs to gain weight; in terms of both fat AND muscle.

It's not good to be too fat nor too skinny. Being healthy, fit and strong should be the goal.



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